Edit Pebbl

When you tap on a Pebbl on the main map screen you will reach the “Edit Pebbl” screen. This provides the tools you need to customize each Pebbl.

Pebbl Details

Title: This is the main heading for your Pebbl. Be sure to choose a title that captures the essence of this particular highlight of your journey.

Pebbl Note (optional): In this field, you can add any additional information, experiences, or thoughts related to this Pebbl.


Adjust Location

Use the “Adjust Location” button to change the location of your Pebbl on the journey map.

Pebbl Location

Location Mask

Pebbl location masking allows you to hide the exact location of a Pebbl. You can set the Pebbl mask radius so that the location of the Pebbl will be randomized within this distance range, giving you additional privacy.


You can add up to 5 media items to each of your Pebbls. You can add a mix of photos and videos to share a comprehensive picture of your experience.

Pebbls Media

When considering what media to add, here are some tips to help you capture your adventure beyond the usual holiday snapshots:

Capture the Environment: Highlight the beautiful and unique surroundings of your adventure. Whether it’s a sweeping landscape, bustling city streets, or hidden nooks of nature, these images can truly convey the atmosphere of your journey.

Detail Shots: Don’t forget to take close-ups of interesting details, such as unique flora and fauna, architectural elements, local cuisine, or cultural artifacts. These shots can provide a more immersive experience for your followers.

Action Shots: If possible, try to capture yourself or your travel companions in the midst of activity – such as hiking up a hill, cycling down a path, or exploring a local market. This not only showcases the action and adventure but also adds a human element to your journey.

Sunrise/Sunset: Photos taken during the “golden hours” – shortly after sunrise or before sunset – often have a warm, soft light that can make your images look more professional and captivating.

Tell a Story: Remember, each piece of media you add to your Pebbls contributes to the narrative of your journey. Try to select images and videos that help to tell your story, rather than simply being good standalone pieces.

Keep it Authentic: While it’s important to strive for quality, don’t let the pursuit of the ‘perfect shot’ take away from the authenticity of your experience. Sometimes, the most meaningful photos are the candid ones that capture genuine moments.

Time & Date

Time & Date: Here you can set or adjust the time of this Pebbl. The time and date that you set will determine the order in which the Pebbls are shown on your journey timeline.

Pebbl time & date


After making all the changes, remember to tap the ‘Save Pebbl’ button to ensure your Pebbl is updated.

Updated on 23 May 2024
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